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Canada-Peru; CPTPP

The following occupations that are listed as NOC B are permitted

The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) contains provisions for the temporary entry of professionals and technicians.


  • Civil engineering technologists and technicians

  • Construction inspectors and estimators

  • Engineering inspectors, testers and regulatory officers

  • Industrial engineering technologists and technicians

  • Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians

  • Supervisors in the following areas:

    • Food, beverage and tobacco processing

    • Forest products processing

    • Machinists and related occupations

    • Mineral and metal processing

    • Mining and quarrying

    • Oil and gas drilling and service

    • Petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities

    • Plastic and rubber products manufacturing

    • Printing and related occupations

    • Textile processing

  • Contractors and supervisors in the following areas:


To qualify as a technician, in addition to any country-specific requirements, the applicant must

  • Have an offer of employment in an NOC 0, A or B occupation requiring a theoretical and practical application of a body of specialized knowledge

  • Have a post-secondary or technical degree of 2 or more years of study as a minimum entry requirement for the occupation and any other additional educational requirements as per their specific occupation in the NOC

  • Have 4 years of paid work experience in the sector of activity of the contract

  • Be remunerated at a level similar to other similarly qualified technicians in the industry in the region of the work

Please consult the full list of Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)- Peru for Professionals (NOC 0, and A).


Nos encantaría saber de usted


600 Sherbrooke St East, Suite 101, Montreal, QC, Canadá, H2L 1K1


Correo electrónico:


Teléfono: +1 (438) 476-8418


WhatsApp: +1 (438) 836-3284

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